Gill Hedley is a writer, an independent curator and a consultant on contemporary visual arts. This is an archive of projects, exhibitions, events and news she has been involved with. These stories are re-used elsewhere on the site as notes. Divided by year - please use the menu below:

The Christea Roberts Gallery are delighted to launch a new podcast series exploring the relationship between artists
and printmaking. The first episode of Making a Mark explores the work of Richard Hamilton. Michael
Bracewell, cultural critic and writer and the author of Modern World: The Art of Richard Hamilton,
and gallerist and art dealer Alan Cristea, who worked with Hamilton for 35 years, discuss the art and ideas
of an artist whose achievements and legacy remain unparalleled today. Contributors include the Guardian’s
art critic Jonathan Jones, writer and curator Gill Hedley, and art director and graphic designer Peter Saville.
→ see link (www)

One of the projects of which I am most proud is the commission from Dame Paula Rego of her Oratorio for The Foundling Museum in 2010. It is a tender, witty and visceral response to childhood.
John Craxton first visited his beloved Greece at the invitation of Peter Norton (see note) who told her pilot to fly low so he could see Venice for the first time.

A panel discussion about the partnership between Southampton City Art Gallery and the National Gallery. With Southampton's curators past and present.
June 2021, now available on YouTube from this link:
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